Reveal Weakness Google and Apple, Hackers Gained US $ 225,000

Over the past two years, the company has sponsored the technology Google search contest weakness browser software and other popular software that took place in Vancouver, Canada, on Saturday (21/3). Named Pwn2Own contest offering a grand prize of hundreds of thousands of dollars to hackers who managed to find a weakness.In the 2015's, a hacker or hackers who are lucky Jung Hoon Lee, known by the alias "lokihardt". She earned US $ 225,000 prize for having discovered a weakness in the application of the Chrome browser, Safari, and Internet Explorer.Of the three browsers, Lee get the most money from Google's Chrome, which amounted to US $ 110,000 because he was able to exploit weaknesses in the system of access to the Chrome beta and stable.Chrome weaknesses disclosed Lee in a presentation for two minutes at the Pwn2Own contest.Quoted from Ars Technica, Lee get US $ 65,000 from the existing weaknesses in Internet Explorer developed by Microsoft and US $ 50,000 from the weakness in Apple's Safari.This year, the Pwn2Own find a total of 21 vulnerabilities in software, including five weaknesses of the Windows operating system, four weaknesses Internet Explorer, three vulnerabilities in Firefox, and other flaws in the software Adobe Flash and Adobe Reader.Total funds awarded to the hackers who have researched this year reached US $ 557,500.


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