Microsoft Announces Office 2016 Preview

Microsoft Office 2016
Had revealed the presence of information about Office 2016 Preview online. A few hours later, Microsoft has finally announced the official preview of the new version of the productivity suite. But this time only available for IT professionals and developers.

"We've done personally by the secret preview for Office 2016, for several months," said VP of Corporate Client for Office 365 Apps & Services Team, Kirk Koenigsbauer as quoted from Neowin, Thursday (03/19/2015). He added that it is now ready to expand the new commercial programs in Office 365 to customers.

Windows 9 When Released

Windows 9 when released - This is the latest news from the company Lah Microsoft, Windows 9, known by the code name "Threshold" is expected to be launched in 2015.

However, the user is expected to sample the new operating system from Microsoft is that through a public version of the review will be released towards the end of this year. Windows 9 will Could Be In Test Year.

How to repair Windows XP without reinstallation

How to repair Windows XP without reinstallation - is peeling on the tutorial to correct the error or errors that occurred on the Windows XP operating system. Computer operating systems like Windows XP does not always run smoothly, must have suffered damage in the form of error. For example, you can not log on to the Windows XP operating system on your computer.

Windows 10 will be available in 111 languages

Microsoft announced its latest operating system Windows 10 will be present in the near future in 190 countries in 111 languages.

In a message on the blog, Microsoft's executive vice president Terry Myerson said that the operating system is designed for a variety of devices, and will have a "small footprint" for the connected devices.

"We continue to make great progress development, and Windows 10 will be available this summer in 190 countries and 111 languages," said Myerson, as reported by Japan Today page on Sunday.

Microsoft has not disclosed the exact date of the launch of the operating system, which can be used in computers, mobile phones smart class (smartphone) and connected devices, such as automated teller machines (ATMs) and a number of medical equipment.

"For the first time, a new version of Windows for the IOT (Internet of Things) is available for free when Windows 10 was launched," Myerson noted.

"Windows 10 will offer a version of Windows for IOT diverse set of devices, ranging from ATM and ultrasound machines, to limited devices, such as gateways," he continued.

Microsoft is also working with the Chinese smartphone manufacturer Xiaomi to test Windows 10 in its products.

US technology giant also announced its partnership with Tencent and Lenovo to help users update to the Windows 10 operating system.


Reveal Weakness Google and Apple, Hackers Gained US $ 225,000

Over the past two years, the company has sponsored the technology Google search contest weakness browser software and other popular software that took place in Vancouver, Canada, on Saturday (21/3). Named Pwn2Own contest offering a grand prize of hundreds of thousands of dollars to hackers who managed to find a weakness.In the 2015's, a hacker or hackers who are lucky Jung Hoon Lee, known by the alias "lokihardt". She earned US $ 225,000 prize for having discovered a weakness in the application of the Chrome browser, Safari, and Internet Explorer.Of the three browsers, Lee get the most money from Google's Chrome, which amounted to US $ 110,000 because he was able to exploit weaknesses in the system of access to the Chrome beta and stable.Chrome weaknesses disclosed Lee in a presentation for two minutes at the Pwn2Own contest.Quoted from Ars Technica, Lee get US $ 65,000 from the existing weaknesses in Internet Explorer developed by Microsoft and US $ 50,000 from the weakness in Apple's Safari.This year, the Pwn2Own find a total of 21 vulnerabilities in software, including five weaknesses of the Windows operating system, four weaknesses Internet Explorer, three vulnerabilities in Firefox, and other flaws in the software Adobe Flash and Adobe Reader.Total funds awarded to the hackers who have researched this year reached US $ 557,500.


Acer Aspire E14 E5-421-61 CI with Complete Facilities, Battery Durability

Acer Aspire E14 E5-421-61CI with Complete Facilities, Battery AwetSeperti E series models from other Acer, Aspire notebook E14 E5-421-61CI also bears the trademark, which is a slim design. Shiny casing material and patterned on the front lit, giving the impression of an interesting though somewhat slippery. This surface leaving fingerprints although easy to clean. While the bottom typical black plastic. With a 14-inch screen, a thickness of 2-7 cm, and weighs 2.1 kg, this notebook is quite compact and easy to carry.

Mengenal Perintah Dasar Konfigurasi Router Cisco (CLI Cisco IOS)

Saya disini akan membahas tentang konfigurasi dasar router Cisco dengan tujuan untuk mengenal sintaq CLI (Command Line Interfaces) pada Cisco IOS (Internetwork Operating System) bagi yang pertama kali atau baru memulai belajar networking dengan Cisco Devices. Konfigurasi bisa dilakukan secara simulasi pada Cisco Packet Tracer ataupun GNS3.

Pengertian Dan Macam Macam Topologi Jaringan Komputer

Pengertian topologi jaringan komputeradalah suatu cara atau konsep untuk menghubungkan beberapa atau banyak komputer sekaligus menjadi suatu jaringan yang saling terkoneksi. Dan setiap macam topologi jaringan komputer akan berbeda dari segi kecepatan pengiriman data, biaya pembuatan, serta kemudahan dalam proses maintenance nya. Dan juga setiap jenis topologi jaringan komputermemiliki kelebihan serta kekurangannya masing-masing. ada banyak macam topologi seperti topologi ring, star, bus, mesh, dan tree yang akan dibahas di ini.

Sejarah AMD Dan Perkembangaan

Processor AMD ini sobat, bagaimana tidak pesaing terdekat Intel ini cukup lumayan dari dulu hingga sekarang bannyak mengukir prestasi disamping harganya juga yang sedikit ramah di kantong dibandingkan Intel. Juga sobat kelebihan Processor AMD ini lebih baik dalam segi overclocking daripada rivalnya Intel.

Sejarah Perkembangan Processor Intel

Intel Logo photo intel_logo_zpse265ad17.jpg      
Kemarin saya sudah posting tentang 'Sejarah Perkembangan Processor AMD' dan sekarang sesuai janji saya posting 'Sejarah Perkembangan Processor '.Intel

Sejarah dan Perkembangan Adobe Photoshop

 photo Adobe-Photoshop-Cs5-Wide-Screen-Desktop-Wallpaper_zpse680767c.jpg
Kalian pasti tau yang namanya Adobe Photoshop kan? program editor gambar yang sudah pasti telah bersarang di telinga sobat semua. Plugin Photoshop yang terkenal untuk para fotografer adalah Adobe Lightroom, ialah untuk memanipulasi pencahayaan sekitar objek dan dalam foto itu sendiri.

Sejarah Komputer Dan Perkembangannya

Sejarah Perkembangan Komputer
Awal mula kata komputer dipergunakan untuk memvisualisasikan orang yang mempunyai pekerjaan melakukan perhitungan aritmatika. Namun, sekarang ini komputer diartikan kepada sebuah perangkat mesin tersebut.

Macam-Macam Ubuntu

[Image: UbuntuSloganLogo.jpg]

Peringkat 1 berturut-turut yang tercatat pada situs, yaitu situs polling pengguna Linux, menjadi tolak ukur bahwa Ubuntu sangat dicintai oleh sebagian besar pengguna Linux. Kemudahan dalam pengoperasian (user interface friendly), kemampuan prima, sistem keamanan & networking yang handal, open source, serta akselerasi yang sempurna menjadikan Ubuntu digandrungi oleh jutaan pengguna                                                               Linux di seluruh dunia.

Macam-Macam Sistem Operasi Jaringan

Pengertian sistem operasi jaringan
Sistem operasi jaringan atau Network Operating System adalah sebuah sistem operasi untuk mengkoordinasikan kegiatan dari beberapa komputer dalam sebuah jaringan.

Paranormal Photo Manipulation

Tutorial kali ini akan membuat sebuah adegan di mana paranormal seorang gadis bangun dari tempat tidurnya dengan lilin di tangannya dan menemukan mengejutkan dirinya hantu di depannya. Dalam perjalanan menciptakan adegan ini kita akan mencakup topik seperti: